All about trust
MKM Group founder Mladen Kljaic Gold Coast and young entrepreneur winner of 2009, relate’s to HIA’s new tag line which reflects the professionalism and quality of it’s members all around the country, which is all about trust.
HIA members not only build homes for consumers, they also help to build their sense of self, security and belonging.

Today HIA is Australia’s largest residential building association, representing those working to build the best home for every Australian, supporting it’s members and giving Australians someone to trust.
In 1945 HIA came together to house a growing country. To build with integrity and to establish the nation’s foundations.
Since then HIA members have helped millions of Australians build their dream home. Their place of self, security and belonging.
Today HIA are the only national residential building organisation. Working to build the best home and foundation for every Australian. Supporting it’s members and giving their customers someone to trust.
It is why HIA give it’s industry a united voice; So members can focus on building better homes.
It’s why HIA keep it’s members informed; So they can develop world class design and innovative building techniques.
And it’s why HIA set superior standards for it’s members; So they always build with integrity.
HIA do all of this to give Australians a foundation they can depend upon;
Today and tomorrow. It’s not just why it began, it’s why it exists for the future.
As seen in Housing, the national magazine for building professionals